
7 Top Tips on How to Survive Office365

Every new technology brings some good and bad with it. SharePoint office365 is one such technology. While it is packed with potentials, it is pushing people out of their comfort zone. Every implementation needs some strategy. So shall your SharePoint Office365.

Here are some tips to help you survive its associated problems:

Adopt it as a New Work Culture: Take SharePoint Office365 as a new work culture, rather than restricting it to an IT change. Giving it a right beginning and introduction at workplace is crucial, so is communicating to people how it will make work simpler for them, with better collaboration and sharing. This is something that was previously missing and left a lot of scope for manual efforts.

Address Their Fears: Try to understand the reasons why your staff is scared of using SharePoint. Are they scared that it will demand a lot of work on coding? Or do they fear losing their work on this platform? You will find solutions to their problems in quick fixes of third party tools such as QuickApps, which takes away the coding part from the whole process.

Follow a Strategy: Rather than adopting SharePoint all in one go, choose from its app that are relevant to your purpose and start implementing them. Focus on implementing and succeeding on small number of apps. This will result in maximizing ROI through a wide adoption.

Provide Training and Address Challenges: Proper training with Office365 is the secret sauce to its success. Without a proper training, you can’t expect people to adopt and excel it, without getting their challenges addressed. This will help you make your hopes real and align your strategies with this implementation for value addition to the organization.

Pay Due Consideration to Security Threats: Office365 is a vast concept that includes Outlook, OneDrive, OneNote, Sway and Yammer. While these applications make it easy to share data and content with few click, this can also be a threat to its security and privacy. These capabilities need to be tamed with rules and permission restrictions. Strategy or Office 365 survival needs this as an essential support.

Stay Armed with a Recovery Plan: Update your recovery plan, as migrating from on premise to Offie365 might cause you some farm or content loss. Pay attention to how much your team prepared with a back-up plan, will they will able to respond to an exigency? Don’t wait and watch until some calamity happens; prepare now. We also have tools such as – Recovery Manager for SharePoint, which conduct granular recovery of the entire farm, in case of data loss. Arm your staff with these mechanics for your own peace of mind. So even if some foul day a data loss hits, you will still be secure with the ability to recovery the falling components.

While upgrading technology has some threats SharePoint Office365 will also prepare you for future, developing next level efficiency for you and your organization.